/ 2021 / /

Pro-Palestine Protest, Paris

PARIS, FRANCE - MAY 15: A Pro-Palestine Protestor gets hit by police water canon as police try to break up a demonstration in solidarity with Palestine, after the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza. France’s Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, had asked police to ban the pro-Palestinian protest. Several Israeli cities have experienced clashes between Jewish and Arab mobs in previous days, following days of cross-border fighting between militants in the Gaza Strip, who have fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, and Israeli airstrikes that have killed dozens across the Palestinian coastal enclave.

Kiran is an award winning photographer working throughout Europe and Asia, concentrating on news, social political topics and the human experience. His work has is published throughout the world including The Sunday Times Magazine, The Times and The Financial Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Le Figaro, Le Point, Welt, El Pais, Forbes, Observer and Guardian newspapers, Time, Spiegel, Economist Magazine, GQ, and Newsweek amongst many others.

Awards Kolga Tbilisi Reportage Award 2020
TAPSA Scholarship 2020
First prize in the Editorial News Category 2019 ND Awards
Association of Photographers ‘Document’ Awards
Highly Commended in the Ian Parry Award
Finalist for 'Young Photographer of the Year' in the 'Picture Editor’s Awards'