/ 2019 / /


A study about body‭,‬‭ ‬space and urban landscape‭. ‬I developed this project with my beloved dancers‭. ‬Through their bodies‭,‬‭ ‬I see and observe the light‭,‬‭ ‬the geometric line and the texture of the architecture‭. ‬Instead of presenting the face and identity‭,‬‭ ‬I focus‭ ‬on the connection between the body to the urban environment‭. ‬The visual form of the body is highly emphasized‭. ‬The body becomes‭ ‬an element of urban landscape and part of the structure‭. ‬

Wei is a photographer based in Taipei, Taiwan. She works in collaboration with dancers, performance artists and independent designers. Her art projects experiment boundaries of object, portrait and cityscape..

Awards Nominee in Professional Fine Art Category, Fine Art Photography Award, 2016