Country Pick / 2018 / /
Battle of Mosul: A Victory?
The Battle of Mosul was started on October 16, 2016 and ended with a Decisive
Allied (Iraq, USA, France, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Turkey) Victory over ISIS
aka Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or Daesh. The battle was the world's
single largest military operation in nearly 15 years, the largest since the 2003
invasion of Iraq.
One Million+ Displaced, tens of thousands killed and injured. City of two million,
lay raised. United Nations, stated, "we're literally looking at the single largest
humanitarian operation in the world."
As the dust settled in 2017, scores were with out a voice, left orphan, mostly
children, some who's parents were fighting for ISIS, others, mostly women victims
of the cross fire.
This reportage tries to give them a voice!
LOOK them in the eyes and HEAR them speak: WHY? and what NOW they ASK...
The battle was won, but we all lost.
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