Country Pick / 2018 / /
Promenons nous dans le moi, pendant que le vous n'y est pas.
Claire Soubrier, France
Promenons nous... is a study on the way women look at their
image. Often hard and cruel with their bodies, I go to meet them
by offering them an experience in which they face their beauty.
In a simple device, a white cardboard box, the model passes the
bare head and shoulders, the head and body of the model are
separated into two distinct parts, a top and a bottom, without
any faking.
After the birth of my twins, the questioning around my
identity of woman, mother, artist, wife, human being did
born in me the desire to photograph women and go to them
meeting: at home, at their workplaces, in their workshops ... My
image of beauty and feminine was deeply marked in my
childhood with a picture of my mother at 20, wearing lipstick
red and naked shoulders. In this quest for a feminine ideal
I multiply meetings and I use the same protocol on all
Awards PERFORMANCES Hypervitaminé - Galerie Blunt, Biarritz., Tabaramounien - Iboat, Bordeaux., Facing Landscape - Danse Élargie - Théâtre de la Ville, Paris, Star system 2 - Galerie Gabriel et Gabriel, Paris., Star System 1 - Galerie Tinbox, Bordeaux, Five minute sculpture - Galerie CCC, Bordeaux.
Promenons-nous - Mairie de Bordeaux & Labo révélateur d’images - Jardin des Dames de la Foi, Bordeaux, Facing landscape - Galerie Regala, Bordeaux.