Country Pick / 2018 / /
Bea Zamora C., Guatemala
This body of work is the result of my personal concerns in relation
of my family background three generations back, specially on my
father’s side where a lack of information exists on different
matters, for example, my great grandmother’s name or family
name and what was the cause of her death, among others. My
interests fluctuate between the silence, the secrets and the lack of
memory between the members of my family.
The philosophy of ALMA relies on my investigations on
Psychogenealogy, which treats the patient’s illnesses or traits as
unconscious connections of issues that have been passed on from
his or her ancestors. From this point of view, the soul of a family
issue is something that hasn’t been solved within generations,
since our story is defined by the loyalties, the rights, the duties
and the rituals that are interfering with our goals and dreams.
In these images, all black and white diptychs, I try to convey a
dialogue between light and darkness to represent the lack of
family information and so to create another story; a recreation of
the forgotten or silenced biographies of my grandparents and
their parents, and therefore my own. This is a story which takes
place in Palestinian territories, in Arabic language and under the
Orthodox Catholic Church, and develops between wars, forced
displacements and migrations which intertwine the melancholy
and the solitude of a permanent alienation.
Bea Zamora C (El Salvador, 1967) lives and works in Guatemala City as an artist focused on photography and texts that she produces to dig into the subconscious. She has degrees in Literature and Language, Education and in Gender Studies. After graduating in 2017 from La Fototeca (Guatemala) with a degree in Photography, she decided to explore personal stories which involve family background and gender equality.
Awards 2018: Patricia Conde Gallery Award, Monterrey Mexico, artist winner in Luz del Norte Contest.
2018: Festival Paraty Em Foco, Brazil, preselected.
2018: Latin America Fotografia 7, New York, Official selection.
2018: Prix de la Photography, Paris, Gold Winner in Book Proposal Category.
2018: Monovisions Photography Awards, London, Honorable Mentions in Fine Art and Portrait Categories.
2017: Tokyo International Foto Awards, Tokyo, First Place Winner in Abstract Category and Second Place Winner in Book Proposal Category.