Country Pick / 2018 / /

"Stories of our times”

"Stories of our times”
40% of South African women will be raped in their lifetime,
8 out of 10 women over 50 think they are invisible to men,
In feb 2018, another 110 girls were abducted by Boka Haram
87% of Afghan women report domestic abuse and in 12 countries you can be killed for being LGBT
70 year olds throughout the world are on average as happy and mentally healthy as 20 year olds

Nancy  having built a solid reputation in the fashion and
advertising world is striving for an impactful communication
linking fashion, advertising and social reality in one image. 
Her powerful staged images create a fusion of fashion and social
issues such as new aging, LBGT, global neighborhoods , the
treatment of women  and single women as modern warriors.

Nancy having built a solid reputation in the fashion and
advertising world is striving for an impactful communication
linking fashion, advertising and social reality in one image. Her desire
is through colorful imagery to sneak often uncomfortable messages into your eyes and mind before you block them out. Hoping to create dialogue and tolerance to improve the world.
Her powerful staged images create a fusion of fashion and social
issues such as new aging, LBGT, global neighborhoods , the
treatment of women and single women as modern warriors.

Awards Prix de la Photographie, Paris (P×3) 2018 gold