Country Pick / 2018 / /

Portrait of All

In Korea, there is a saying about aging. After 50, everyone starts
to look alike. After 60, everyone reaches the same levels of
knowledge. After 70, everyone’s state of health becomes similar.
After 80, everyone lives in the same wealth circumstances. After
90, everyday is about life and death. Eventually, humans and
symbolic icons both disappear with time. With the arrival of the
digital era, endless reproduction became available. Because of this,
it’s rather difficult to find authentic photographs. Just like human
life, a photograph’s original condition is hard to maintain too. I
created images on a copper plate, and I documented their gradual
change throughout the working process. Through this project, I
wanted to show the limits of human life, and at the same time,
that everything goes back to the beginning again. These fading
images can be seen as the portraits of all people.