Country Pick / 2018 / /

Retaking Raqqa

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Morukc Umnaber, Germany

The campaign launched by SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) to
liberate ISIS' capital Raqqa took just over 4 months. ISIS had
months to prepare for a this defensive fight against SDF. Most of
the engagement of SDF had been with IEDs and snipers. Almost
everywhere in the city had been mined which forced troops to
advance slowly and carefully. Airstrikes of the coalition forces hit
ISIS positions intensely during days and nights as well, left them
no space to move around in the city. There were dozens of tunnels
that ISIS fighters use to change their positions covered. ISIS also
used simple drones to drop explosives on SDF fighters around the
frontline. Approximately 300.000 civilians are displaced from