Country Pick / 2017 / /

In the Darkness, Before the Dawn

As a child, daydreams were my escape. They took me to
mysterious and wonderful places, far from the mundane farmlands
of central Michigan. Soaring mountains and volcanoes, sparkling
oceans, and rolling hills, like the ones I saw in the encyclopedia,
dominated the landscapes. In those worlds I was free to be me. I
belonged. Twenty-five years later, having seen with my own eyes
many of the spectacular landscapes that inspired my imaginative
journeys, I revisit the difficulties of my past. With intuition as my
guide, I manipulate disparate textures and imagery to create
narrative scenes. The metaphors and recurring symbols
throughout the work answer old questions, as well as posing new
ones. While I felt alone in my childhood daydreams, these images
suggest I was never

Awards Communication Arts Photo Annual 2017 - Winner in the "For Sale" category, Featured 2017 Promenades photographiques de Vendôme - Prix de Marc Grosset Prize of the Public (2016)