Country Pick / 2017 / /

X-Y Building Facade

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Wang sheng-wen, Taiwan
  • Studio

When faced with the vertical and horizontal composition of the building facade, with the viewing angle is different, the landscape will show varying degrees of change. I want to explore the complexity of the contemporary buildings, the possibility of changes in the landscape can have many kinds.

Awards 王艾斯 Wang IS
Wang Sheng Wen(English)

國際影像比賽職業組得獎紀錄(Main Awards):
●2017FAPA Nominee in Architecture、Conceptual、Panoramic ,a total of 2 surface Honorable Mention
●2017Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery “Figurative” Art Exhibition Special Recognition Artists
IPA 2016 Professional Architecture : Cityscapes、Special : Digitally Enhanced、Special : Other_S、Special : Special Effects , a total of 4 surface Honorable Mention
●2016年「PX3 ;巴黎國際攝影比賽」職業組廣告類2面榮譽獎
PX3 2016 Professional Advertising/Architecture、Advertising/Fashion ,a total of 2 surface Honorable Mention
●2015年「PX3 ;巴黎國際攝影比賽」人民人氣票選廣告類銅獎及3面榮譽獎
PX3 2014 Professional People's Choice Advertising/Other_AD Third Prize
PX3 2014 Professional Advertising/Beauty、Nature/Landscape_N、Fine Art/Other_FA ,a total of 3 surface Honorable Mention
IPA 2015 Professional Special/Special Effects、Special/Panoramic、Architecture/Buildings、Architecture/Cityscapes、 Architecture/Other_ARC、Architecture/Interiors ,a total of 6 surface Honorable Mention
MOSCOW 2014 Professional Architecture/Buildings 、Advertising/Fashion ,a total of 2 surface Honorable Mention
●2014年「PX3 ;巴黎國際攝影比賽」一銀一銅及2面榮譽獎
PX3 2014 Professional Advertising/Beauty Silver
PX3 2014 Professional Advertising/Beauty Bronze
PX3 2014 Professional Portraiture/Self-Portrait、Portraiture/Children,a total of 2 surface Honorable Mention
●2013年「IPA;美國國際攝影比賽」 One Shot 2面榮譽獎
IPA 2013 One Shot: One World Professional One World/People Cleopatra、Nautilus ,a total of 2 surface Honorable Mention
IPA 2013 Professional Advertising/Beauty、Advertising/Other_AD 、Fine Art/Portrait、Fine Art/Other_FA、Special/Special Effects、People/Children、People/Self-Portrait ,a total of 14 surface Honorable Mention

●2016 「XYZ的建築與景觀群像」,fotofever攝影博覽會,法國巴黎羅浮宮
2016 “Building Portraits and the x-y-z axis”,fotofever art fair ,Carrousel du Louvre, Paris,France
●2016 『XYZ的建築與景觀群像』,2016 高雄藝博 , 台灣高雄市
2016 “Building Portraits and the x-y-z axis”, ART KAOHSIUNG
●2015 「美麗的瞬間」,淡水天空藝廊,新北市 ,台灣
2015 “Beautiful moment”,2015 Tamsui Photography Festival,New Taipei City,Taiwan