Country Pick / 2017 / /


  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Lubomir Rechtorik, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Flow means a state of human being when a person is a hundred
percent present, dedicated and focused on a creation process of
his/her artwork. I wanted to point out that during true creation
process the artist, regardless his concentration, becomes more of
a mediator. Basically, the art flows and passes through the artist
who is the one enabling art to emerge into this world. Through
placing performers into various spaces and leaving them
improvising, I tried to depict this Flow by photography. With
camera I’ve also improvised. There was no intention to create a
particular story but as you can see the story is still there.
Ultimately, this means that the creation process itself might be
even deeper and more interesting as we could think and is worth
of exploration. And lastly I think this pattern can be applied to any
human activity.

Awards Solo exhibition at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversitat, Linz, Austria

Part of exhibition NOW!, House of Photography, Vienna, Austria

3rd place Fine Art category, International Photography Awards 2016 - IPA