Country Pick / 2017 / /

The Burden of Time

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Graciana Piaggio, Argentina

“The burden of time”

“What is to give light must endure burning”
Victor E. Frankl

Through these photographs I have tried to find, in others, traces
of my own childhood: touched by absence, loneliness and
indifference. I have looked for children and adolescents whose
stories and relations are somehow close to me. When I started to
portray them, I could see nothing, neither could they; we met in
complete darkness.

These images have been worked with long exposures, between 30
seconds and 3 minutes; they are like small fragments of a video
condensed in only one image.

During the session, the burden of time emerges in the perceptible
discomfort of their breathing, it becomes visible in their flickering
eyes, and thus their true expressions are revealed far beyond what
we can see.

Lying, half-naked, they somehow experience fear and
helplessness. And yet, or perhaps because of this, they surrender
with confidence to their portrait.

I was born in Córdoba, Argentina. When I was 3 month old we moved to Buenos Aires. I am an artist, a photographer.

I studied painting for more than 15 years with great masters as Carlos Gorriarena and Jorge Demirjian. At the same time I studied watercolor, drawing, plyester resin sculpture, Art History. For several years I studied ceramic sculpture with the recently deceased Leo Tavella.

Six years ago I started photography. I attended to different clinics and workshops with Adriana Lestido, Juan Travnik, Valeria Bellusci, Romina Resuche, Angela Copello, among others.

Awards 2016 Finalist Luxemburgo Art Prize. Luxemburgo

2016, Selected in Salon National of Fine Arts in Photography. Exhibition Ferreyra Palace in Cordoba, Argentina.

2016, Selected in Festival de la luz, Exhibition Italian Embassy, Argentina