/ 2015 / /

Now 27

The body of an Iranian combatant who became a martyr during the Iran-Iraq war was
identified and returned back home to his family after 27 years.
As the sun comes back to life after a dark night of lightlessness and sorrow, their son
finally came back home 27 years later, only in half, leaving his soul at the battlefield
as if he knew there is always a new war at its dawn when you see the half sun. Witnessing
these mournful faces through my lens, I thought to myself, who's going to capture the same
sorrow in those faces another 27 years from now?

Amir Behroozi is a self-taught Iranian documentary photographer based in Rasht, Iran. His work explores the connections between contemporary issues, war, migration, poverty, and the environment in his native rural Iran. He has a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Science and Culture in Rasht, Iran.