/ 2015 / /

Youth of Sisimiut

  • Prize
    Silver in Press/Feature Story
  • Photographer
    Lasse Bak Mejlvang, Denmark
  • Studio
    Photographer Lasse Bak Mejlvang

The political agenda and overall buzz on Greenland have for the
past few years mostly concerned the nation's minerals, oil and raw
material. However, the talk has died down for a while, as it has
turned out that the extraction of raw materials is going to be a lot
harder and more expensive than first expected.

Greenland is now once again faced with the big challenge of
figuring out how the country's economy is going to function in the
future. Industrial fishing is still by far the nation's largest industry
and source of income but this field also has a bleak future it
seems, in part due to climate change.

Therefore, focus has returned to what a lot of Greenland's
population think is the nation's most important raw material,
which is Greenland's population. Education and welfare have
become the big topics of discussion in the gigantic country with
only 56.000 inhabitants. Sisimiut, which is located on the west
coast of Greenland almost 200 miles North of the capital, Nuuk, is
economically the nation's fastest growing city. Sisimiuts high
school and school of raw materials attract a lot of young people
from the neighbouring towns and villages. These young people are
some of those, who are going to define the future of Greenland
and answer the question of where the big nation is going.