/ 2015 / /

New Botanicals

I love the way light and shadows play against the complex textures
of the plants. One of the biggest challenges I've found is how do I
interpret such complex subjects that have varied texture and form
and deliver this in a simple yet powerful way to the viewer. The
answer for me is to eliminate many distractions as possible. Which
is the reason I prefer black and white as the primary approach.
This allows me to concentrate on how the light and shadows work
together wiht the form of the subject in a raw and beautiful way.

You might say there was a natural collision of circumstances between Jack’s nearly lifelong love of nature, and that of photography. His wondrous journey into nature began when he attended an Outward Bound month-long wilderness course at age 16. At 18, (just over 40 years ago) he picked up his first camera, developed his first B&W print in the darkroom and quickly put his two passions together.

In recent years Jack’s photography has been exhibited in Paris, Athens, Berlin, Moscow, and Malaga Spain and domestically in the US and published internationally.

Awards Jack has been internationally awarded, having won Gold or 1st place in IPA, PX3, ND Awards, Moscow International Foto Awards, Tokyo International Foto Awards, International Gala/Pollux Awards, Black and White Spider Awards and Black and White Photography Magazines Portfolio Awards. Most recently in 2018, Jack was voted the #2 Black and White photographer globally by One Eyeland.