/ 2015 / /

The Lost World

A trek of about 9 miles that runs between the border of France and Italy,
going through a wild and primeval landscape. Along the way we meet
some lakes, Lac de l' Oronaye (2411 m. a.s.l) and Lago di Roburent (2426
m. a.s.l.).
Parc National du Mercantour.
France/Italy 2014

Aurelio Bormioli was born in Savona in 1969.
Since he was a child, he was interested in photography thanks to his father who was an amateur photographer.
As years went by, he attended workshops with many famous sector experts. Nowadays, he works with a professional Nikon equipment, although he usually uses films as well, especially
Hasselblad and pinhole cameras, that are strongly admired by Aurelio.