/ 2015 / /


The Andaman Islands are a group of Indian Ocean archipelagic
islands in the Bay of Bengal, between India to the west and Burma
to the
north and east.
In spite of its white sand beaches lined with palm trees, this
archipelago remains a confidential destination, spared by the mass
This elephant is 61 years old, his name is Rahjan.
This is the last elephant swimming in the sea water.
He has been trained by the British to push, while swimming, logs
of wood, from one island to another.
He lies in this peculiar position for his mahout (master) climbs on
his back. This photo needed 5 working days to meet the climatic
conditions and the willingness of Rahjan. I did not want to cast a
shadow on the sand and had to lie Rahjan perfectly aligned with

Les îles Andaman, territoire de l'union Indienne sont situées entre
le golfe du Bengale et la mer d'Andaman, en plein océan Indien à
environ 200 km au sud de la Birmanie.
Malgré ses plages de sable blanc bordées de palmiers, dignes d'un
catalogue de voyage, cet archipel reste une destination
confidentielle, épargnée par le tourisme de masse.
Cet éléphant a 61 ans , il s'appelle Rahjan.
C'est le dernier éléphant qui nage dans la mer. Il a été dressé par
les Britanniques pour pousser, en nageant, les rondins de bois,
en île.
La position particulière qu'il a sur cette photo est celle qu'il prend
pour que son mahout (maître) monte sur son dos.
Cette photo a nécessité 5 jours de travail pour réunir les
conditions climatiques et la bonne volonté de Rahjan.
Je ne voulais pas d'ombre portée sur le sable et Rahjan devait se
coucher de façon parfaitement alignée avec l'horizon.

French-American, Valerie Leonard travels the world following her theme that she named “Labours of Hercules" where she attempts to show with utmost respect the dignity of women and men living and working in particularly hostile environments.

She takes the time to live with the people and be fully accepted before starting her work.
There is no staging, with patience and respect, she waits for the right moment, the right light to tell the truth, but in terms of beauty.
Far from seeking aesthetic or false compassion she intends to change the way we see a forgotten humanity.

Awards 2018
1st Prize Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay. Canada.
Hon.Mention PX3 Paris/ Press/ Book Documentary
Hon.Mention PX3 Paris/ Press/ Feature Story
Silver Medal ND Awards/ Editorial Environment
Hon.Mention ND Awards/ General news
Winner Pollux Awards/ Documentary
Hon.Mention SDN
Hon.Mention IPA/ Environmental
Bronze star Award ND Awards/ People, Travel
2nd Prize APA Awards/ Documentary Editorial
Gold Medal Documentary Book Prix PX3 Paris
Nom. Fine Art Photography Awards/ Portrait, Travel, Animals, People
2nd Prize "The Other Hundred" Educator's edition
1st Prize Florida Museum Photographic Arts/ Nature, Animals
Honorable Mention IPA
Finalist 7th Julia Margaret Cameron Award 4 categories
Honorable Mention Fine Art Photography Awards
Remarkable Award Siena Photography Awards
Honorable Mention ND Awards 6 categories
Silver Star. ND Awards.
Shortlisted Sony World Photography Awards.
Honor. Mention IPA Category People Children
Finalist Travel Photographer go the Year.
Honor. Mention Best of Photography
Honor. Mention IPA Category One shot/one world.
Nominee Nature Images Awards
Nominee Oasis Photo Contest.
Honor. Mention. Winner of PX Paris.
Honor. Mention. Wildlife IPA .
Honor. Mention. People IPA
Bronze Medal. Art en Capital. Grand Palais. Paris
Photographer of the month National Geographic French website.
1st Prize National Geographic. France