/ 2015 / /


  • Prize
    Silver in Press/Other
  • Photographer
    David Bertram, France
  • Studio


There seems to be a general agreement that eyes are a window
on the soul, on the inner truth. But can eyes really tell that much
? This question is underlying my series of portraits, Claytime,
which focuses on what’s behind the mask, by, ironically,
creating a new one.

I got inspired by a psychology exercice that asks the patient to
model his own face out of a piece of clay, in order to reveal his
own subconscious to the analyst.

This playful exercise gave its name to the series, Claytime,
presenting 15 different people who I’ve asked to model their
own faces in clay. Despite different skills in modeling, the clay
faces are always expressive and revealing.

In a second step, I have shot these people, inside their homes,
within a framework that defines them both personally and
socially. I’ve asked them to take a very static pose, as if they
were part of the environment around them. I’ve also
intentionally sprinkled some personal objects here and there, as
many clues about their personalities.

Subsequently, a photomontage allowed me to replace their real
faces by their mental projections in clay. Once placed over the
shoulders, the new face either contrasts with the body or rather
fits it as an almost-organic extension, mysteriously enlightening
the person’s mind.

This inner world translates visually into a dimly-lit atmosphere,
where the sets are lighten up as old flemish paintings, showing
all the shades of a muted color palette and making visible all the
details hidden in the dark.

David Bertram

Awards Salon de Montrouge 2012
Exhibition at Rauchfeld Gallery (Paris, France)