/ 2012 / /

Mutated Human

Mutated Human
We live in a time of many changes and we, as a human being, notice them to a greater or lesser extent in our daily lives. The quality of the air, our food and many other things affect our sense of well-being. This results in allergic reactions, stress and many more problems.

Over time, the human body adjusts to the new situation and changes a bit. This is an internal process that we canâ??t see on the outside.

In my collage series I show how these extreme changes to the body look like in my fantasy. Looking at a collage you can see immediately, unlike a photo, that it is 'not real '. This aspect allows me to make impossible images and to exaggerate it a littlebit more.

Maartje was born in 1978 in a small village called Weebosch in the Netherlands. At the age of seventeen she left home to investigate her chances and possibilities in the world of art and photography. Since then she studied in Tilburg (The Netherlands), Brussels (Belgium) and Duesseldorf (Germany). Today she lives and works as a photographer partly in The Netherlands and in Germany.