Country Pick / 2012 / /

Hollywood detectives

Campaign created for self promotion

Markku Lahdesmaki, photographer/director was born in Finland and has been taking pictures since he was 8 years old. Markku established his first studio in his then hometown Tampere when he was 21. After 4 years he decided to move to London to study and work and gain more experience. While working as an assistant in London he received his first acknowledgement: an honorary mention in the Warsaw Poster Biennale. He established a studio in London and after 3 years of work moved back to Finland. Since then Markku has won many acclaimed awards all over the world. He has won gold and two silvers from the Association of Photographersâ?? Awards, London. He has been awarded at Clio, Epica, Cannes, New York Festival, CA, APA, PX3 among others. The Grafia Platinum Award was given to him for his influence on Finnish Advertising.
For the past fifteen years Markku has lived in Los Angeles working with his wife Anne for both American and European advertising agencies. Clients include Nike, Adidas, Gillette, Apple, Microsoft, Pioneer, Sony, Sprint, Snickers, Ebay, Toyota, Honda, Blackstone and Atlantis Resort. Along with commercial work Markku is working on various personal art projects. Markku and Anne have two sons: Tomi, who graduated from the Academy of Arts University as a graphic designer and singer-songwriter Julian Jones, who just released his first album produced by Markku titled â??Gentle Paradeâ??.
Markku tries to create unique images that will tell a vivid story, entertain with a bit of peculiar humor and create a touching surrealist microcosmos when possible. Most of his ideas are based on the values he holds dear: joy of life, peace of mind, and sense of humor, basic good things that too often are taken for granted.