/ 2012 / /

I am more than my face

  • Prize
    Bronze in Portraiture/Self-Portrait, Bronze in Portraiture/Self-Portrait
  • Photographer
    Mitsuko Nagone, Japan
  • Website

With this project, I intend to create myself, instead of finding my identity. People often ask themselves, "Who am I?"  However, this may take them away from the truth. The definition of who they are could limit their own possibilities and the infinity of their essences. I believe that the self should be created, instead of being found. The self-portraits explore this idea since the face is obscured. The human face seems to emphasize "who" a person is and gives some insight about the individual. This may misinform the audience. I would like to challenge the viewersâ?? misconceptions and stereotypes.

Mitsuko Nagone is a photographer based in Tokyo. She was raised in the country in Japan. She studied photography in Tokyo, then moved to New York City to continue her studies. She also has received a B.A. and the president's award from Kyoto University of Art and Design.