/ State of the World / State of the World / Social documentary

Save the women, save the world.

The Gender Based Violence is one of the plague that afflict Nepali society. This social problem is the major reason that leads to suicide, the principal cause of death among Nepali women in reproductive age. The Nepal Demographic and Health Survey has revealed that one in five of women among 15 and 49 years old, have had once in their lifetime an experience of physical violence and more than one in ten experienced sexual violence. However, the majority of the victims did not seek any help because they are afraid to be marked as impure in their community.

Giacomo d’Orlando is an Italian photojournalist born, and currently based in Verona.
Its reportages are mainly focus on social and environmental issues worldwide. In his career he has treated delicate issues such as the violence on women, social disparity and climate change. Since 2015 he lived in different Countries as Nepal, Peru, Australia and New Zealand, collaborating with numerous international renowned magazines.
Its projects have been awarded by prestigious photo competitions and its pictures have been exhibited in Roma, Paris, New York.

Awards Honorable Mention in Deeper Perspective category at IPA 2015
2nd place in photojournalism category at Chromatic Awards 2017
2nd place in environmental category at Chromatic Awards 2017
Honorable Mention in Environmental category at PX3 2017
Honorable Mention in Deeper Perspective category at IPA 2018
Siena International Photography Awards 2018 Finalist
Bronze Medal at International Tokyo Foto Awards 2018