Roy Iwasaki
Snowy landscape of trees by Ryo Iwasaki, Nature Best New Talent 2022

Roy Iwasaki

PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2022 – Non-Professional
First Place Winner in Nature – Snowy landscape of trees

Iwasaki was born and raised in Hokkaido. There, the trees standing in the snowy fields in winter are like works of art, which gave him inspiration not just for his winning photo but also for what he has been shooting lately.
Iwasaki developed an interest in photography after being moved by Kent Shiraishi’s images of his hometown’s snowy terrain and turquoise ponds.

He believes that a photographer ought to learn both filming and editing techniques. Your image quality will improve if you find a suitable balance between the two.

Iwasaki’s winning project was mostly influenced by how beautiful the trees look in the snowfield. “I was wondering if I could sublimate the beauty I imagine as minimalism by using editing techniques. Of course, some of the works are composites of my own photographs of trees, snowfields, and animals,” he says. 

I feel that PX3 is a very flexible contest, so I decided to submit my work for the opportunity to present it as a work of art,” he shares about the reason why he submitted his work to the competition. “I had submitted my work to the Fine Art category, but this time I received an award in the Nature category, which made me realize that the way we view artwork is changing with the times. I am very much aware that art is a form of freedom.”

Iwasaki contends that becoming overly preoccupied prevents one from discovering inspiration. “Apart from photography, you should concentrate on what interests you at the time,” he adds.
Iwasaki suggests that beginning photographers start by taking the pictures they want to take. Then, by contrasting their work with excellent work, they may spot their shortcomings. These days, the internet, etc., make it feasible to learn enough. He advises taking photos while enjoying yourself.
In addition, he says that developing a pictorial mind and becoming conscious can be challenging for him when taking pictures.

He sincerely believes that one day the world will discover his indigenous motif-based art.