Joseph Ford
Invisible Jumpers by Joseph Ford, Fine Art Photographer of the Year 2022

Joseph Ford

PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2022 – Professional
First Place Winner in Fine Art – Invisible Jumpers

Joseph Ford used tailored knitwear to match people with their surroundings in his winning series. The images weren’t produced using computer-generated imagery. He spent weeks researching each image, and he gave a knitting friend a detailed brief on how the pattern should precisely match the background.
He tells stories “With a side helping of off-beat imagination and an occasional sprinkling of optical illusions,” which is the best way to describe what he does. He has created images of twins blending into a wall wearing custom knits, a railroad morphing into a zipper, and even a lifestyle picture with a cardboard teenager.

Ford has been taking photographs since he was about 20. “I discovered the work of Bill Brandt and Brassaï when I was at university and was immediately hooked,” he says.
The most important quality a photographer should possess, according to Ford, is a keen eye and a feel of what the photographer wants to convey. He continues, “Having something to say is more vital than having good technique.”

“The internet has spread a degree of cultural homogeneity. I enjoy exploring the contradictory notion of using individuals blending into their background with custom-made, individual garments, made slowly by hand in a traditional way. Knitting is the ultimate analogue medium, complete with imperfections and replete with detail. At a time when it is often assumed that anything out of the ordinary in photography is solely the result of Photoshop or CGI, it is satisfying to work with a deliberately slow, hand-crafted medium. The results aren’t perfect, there are bits that don’t match up.” he shares the story behind his winning firm.
“Each of these pictures has taken me weeks to research and plan, and I’ve worked with an amazing knitter, Nina Dodd, who has hand-made all the knitwear. I have generally begun with an idea: ‘Could I photograph someone blending into cherry blossom, or into a cliff edge?’ Then I go looking for the perfect location, before working out a precise brief on exactly how the design should match the background.”

“I submitted to PX3 because it’s a great way of sharing and promoting my work.” He finds a huge sense of achievement winning “Fine Art Photographer of the Year”.

He admits that he sometimes has difficulties coming up with ideas for his new projects. To “solve” it he goes running or swimming – when he manages to clear his mind by pushing himself physically, new ideas start popping into his head.
Some of the aspects of photography might be difficult to learn and adapt to. Ford views it as a challenge in his profession to turn his passion into a successful company. 

Ford is presently engaged in a very exciting joint project with street artists that he is really enthusiastic about “I will be releasing the first part of the new series in the next couple of months. Can’t wait to share it!” He’d love to collaborate with musicians like Stromae or OK Go to develop new music videos and artwork in addition to his intriguing and original ideas.