Iryna Domashenko
synergy of beauty

Iryna Domashenko

PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2023 – Non-Professional
First Place Winner in Advertising – synergy of beauty

Iryna Domashenko, a Ukrainian artist, found her path to photography through a fascination with beauty and creativity that had captivated her since childhood. Born in Odessa and now residing in Kiev with her family, her journey into photography was a gradual one. In 1997, she completed her education at an art school, and the sight of her cousins’ film cameras had always held a mysterious allure for her. However, it wasn’t until 2009 that she took up photography with a more serious intent, delving into the intricacies of lighting and working with models. In the early stages of her artistic odyssey, she was particularly drawn to portrait photography, with a key focus on not only pleasing the model but also strangers who appreciated her work.

“I was driven by a desire to share my view, my creative work with the world, as well as to check the professional level of my works. When an artist evaluates their works themselves, that’s one thing. When it is done by the professional jury, that is another level, a higher one. I did not expect to get such a high praise of my images. That was unbelievable!!! It is a great honour for me and an opportunity to tell about my way and my goals in art” she shares about winning in Px3.

Challenges in capturing her winning image for the “Synergy of Beauty” series included the tumultuous backdrop of a military environment in Kiev. The photos were taken amidst the sounds of air raid sirens, creating an atmosphere that challenged the nerves of all involved.

According to Iryna, the most important factors in creating outstanding images are the core idea, its faithful implementation, and the element of improvisation. When these elements align, they give birth to truly exceptional images. Working on the “Synergy of Beauty” series, Iryna was fortunate to collaborate with wonderful models who greatly facilitated the process, fostering a sense of cooperation and unspoken understanding.

“I think, the most challenging aspect of photography is to see the beauty in ordinary things and convey it through the camera lens. Photography is not only technique and equipment” says Iryna. According to her, ot evolve into a great photographer, one must refine their unique perspective, experiment with various genres and subjects, draw inspiration from master photographers, and critically assess their own work. The key is continuous learning, generating fresh ideas, and adopting unconventional perspectives.

Iryna’s motivation in photography centers on the desire to create and capture beauty and share it with her viewers. Her “Synergy of Beauty” series embodies the idea of crafting a realm of beauty amidst the horrors of the surrounding world. This oasis of creativity and beauty emerges as an art therapy, and she hopes it will have a similar impact on those who encounter it.

Looking ahead in her photography career, Iryna stands at the inception of her artistic journey. Her aspiration is to become a professional photographer whose images grace renowned galleries, bringing beauty and joy to the world. With the recognition and high evaluation of her work by Px3, she nurtures the hope that her dream will soon become a reality.