Cho Jen Lee

Cho Jen Lee

PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2023 – State of the World
Curatorial Selection – Travel on crazy streets

Can you briefly tell us about your background and what inspired you to pursue photography?

I am usually a photographer for amateur activities. When I have free time, I teach community photography courses. I like to record beautiful things and share them with friends.

What drove you to submit your work to the Px3 State of the World competition and your thoughts on how being in the curatorial selection impacted your artistic journey?

The px3 Photography Awards will be the largest photography awards in Europe. Being able to challenge the px3 photography competition is one of my goals for learning photography. Participating in the Px3 State of the World competition was a big boost to my photography experience. Being able to participate in exhibitions with outstanding works of talented photographers around the world is important for my future photography creation.

Could you describe any challenges you faced while capturing this moment (winning image/s)?

There are certain dangers in shooting this kind of work. First, you must choose the wind direction that is favorable to you to avoid smoke affecting your photos. Second, you must not be afraid of the sound of firecrackers. Third, we must accurately understand the rhythm of firecracker burning.

What, in your opinion, are the most important factors in creating great images?

Before shooting, you must know the characteristics of the things you want to shoot. The next step is your ideas, prior research, and planning.

What do you find to be the most challenging aspect of photography?

The most important condition for creating images is that you have different ideas from others. The camera only helps you achieve this goal I think the hardest thing is your imagination. When your creative images are consistent with your imagination, you will be satisfied. This is also the power that allows me to continue to create.

What motivates and drives your photography?

Creating good images and sharing my creations with friends is one of my hobbies. It is also very important to continue to win awards in the px3 Photography Awards.

What’s next for you in your career as a photographer?

I hope to continue to share the special and beautiful things about Taiwan with photographers all over the world through my creative images. This will take a long time. Of course, I have some friends who are also doing this.