Silver / 2024 / Portraiture / Personality

George at the Bus Stop

Walking through Cairns I noticed a character at a bus stop. I said Hi and asked if I could make a few portraits. He said yes but his bus was arriving in 8 minutes. I raced back a block to retrieve a camera and got back to 'George' just in time to make a couple of frames before he got on his bus. As he boarded he told me his name and said “Look it up on the internet”. A google search found he is prominent aboriginal Elder, historian, author, recoverer and repatriator of aboriginal remains from Germany ... and Medal of the Order of Australia recipient Dr George Skeene OAM.

BRIAN CASSEY / based Cairns, Australia

Long based in Australia's northern tropical city of Cairns, Brian was born in London UK almost with a camera in his hand. (First camera a VP Twin 127 Bakelite camera - 2/6d at Woolworths)

Since making Cairns home a few decades ago Brian has been freelancing for National and International media including News Ltd, Fairfax and 'The Wires'.

Brian has covered major news stories in Australia and around the planet ... and has been awarded for his work World wide.

Awards See ...