/ 2015 / Press / Travel/Tourism

Faith and Mystery - celebration of Timkat

  • Prize
    Silver in Press/Travel/Tourism
  • Photographer
    Silvia Landi, Italy

The Timkat, Epiphany which celebrates the baptism of Christ,
and St. George, with which celebrate the national patron, are
among the most important holidays for the Ethiopian Coptic
Orthodox Church. In these days in the city of Axum and Lalibela,
thousands of faithful wrapped in white veils keep watch all night
the Tabot (copies of the Ark of the alliance) pray and receive the
blessing of the monks.
Take part in these liturgies, means immersing yourself in faith
and solemnity of Christianity in its most ancient form.
Walk in silence through the streets of Axum and Lalibela in
these days, means listening to the prayers whispered in dark
corners of the churches or under the white veil of the women, it
means to participate in the mysterious rites of one of the oldest
churches in the world, and sing and clap to the rhythm of
drums, or being overwhelmed by the joy of the crowd that dives
in the blessed waters.