Curator Selection / 2020 / /

The Divided House

This series of photographs came about in a short period of time whilst visiting the USA in early 2020

I had no comprehension of the extreme social polarisation caused by the current Administration.

Each subject was privately asked ”what is your point of view on your current Presidency?’

Without bias or favour I documented their comments.

At draft stage some 'pro Presidency' sitters excluded themselves from the series.

In conclusion this body of work represents my view of the current political state in the USA which in turn has a huge impact on ’The State of the World’.

Degree in Visual Arts from Sydney College of the Arts 1979-81.

Numerous exhibitions both individual and group 1982 till 2001.

Australia based professional from 1982 to 2001.

Published 'The Stockmen' book in 1991 along with a two year touring exhibition throughout NSW and Queensland.

2002 to present, working on personal photo projects both in Australia and abroad.

Awards International Photography Awards 2015
Third place in the Panoramic Division with Pantraits(pano portraits).

Selected to the PX3 'Curator's Pick' from the 'State of the World 2020 Competition'
with 'The Divided House' series USA 2020.