/ 2010 / /


My series Friendship visualizes the social behavior of drug dependents. Strong dependents encyst their selfs and live in their own world where is no place for outsiders. They only see the drug as their friend who helps and is always there when they need them. Real friends are neither needed nor welcome in their opinion. The series shows an only mental state in quite surreal way.

Born in 1983 in East-Berlin, me and my parents fled from the communistic system in the GDR in 1989 just months before the fall of the Berlin
Wall. We settled down in the south of Germany where iâ??m still living now. My love for drawing caused me to choose an artistic education at school
where I found photography to me as the best form of expression. After an apprenticeship in photography, I moved to Amsterdam to assist
Erwin Olaf. Back in Germany, i am currently freelancing as an assistant for several photographers.