Mabel Cedrón
Symphony of Colors by Mabel Cedrón, Architecture Best New Talent 2022

Mabel Cedrón

PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2022 – Non-Professional
First Place Winner in Architecture

Mabel Cedrón still gets emotional when she thinks back to the beginning of her photographic adventure. She has always had a strong passion for photography—so strong that she used her first paycheck to purchase a “Reflex Photographic Camera” for herself and a ring for her mother. Although she is an amateur photographer, she believes that creativity, attention to detail, shape, color, and light, as well as, most importantly, putting the heart into what is done, are crucial. “If there is no passion, there are no good results,” she says.

“I am fascinated by color and minimalist compositions, so Bofill’s Muralla Roja was my dream place. It was my first trip after the Covid Pandemic, so that made it even more special. It is a place full of MAGIC, so I just let myself be carried away by what my heart saw through my eyes, and thus my series SINFONIA DE COLOR was born,” Cedrón shares with us. “The reason why I decided to participate in the PX3 Awards is that it fascinated me and I wanted to be part of the competition, so I didn’t think twice, it was quite a challenge for me with a very gratifying and unexpected result.”

Winning the Px3 “Architecture Photographer of the Year” award not only made Cedrón pleased, but also confirmed what she does and inspired her to keep advancing, learning, and challenging herself. She views it as a wonderful acknowledgement of the work involved.

Finding inspiration for her artwork is not quite a problem for Cedrón. “I believe that a world full of beauty surrounds us, you just have to know how to appreciate it. I pay attention to the details, how the buildings change with the different lights of the day or with the rain, the clouds… I especially like the spiral stairs, or simply the stairs with a human element and nothing else. I can find inspiration just by stopping and looking.”

As a self-taught photographer, Cedrón is always learning, and each new discovery serves as inspiration. As she says, “I am aware of the evolution of my work, I take care of it, I pamper it, I dedicate my time to it and my capacity for growth pushes me to continue each day with more enthusiasm.”

If Mabel Cedrón could give a valuable advice to a photographer who is just beginning to explore photography, the following would be: “be patient and constant, do not want great results in the short term, this is a long-distance race. Investigate, surround yourself with people who help you grow. One learns and improves day by day, but PASSION must always move you, no other interest.”

“I do not miss the opportunities that are offered to me and recently I have been able to collaborate with the 48 Open House Bcn as an Architecture photographer. It is an event with a great impact and it has given me the opportunity to visit places not normally open to the public or emblematic and take my photos, which are displayed on their website, so that anyone who wants to visit one of those buildings will be able to see my report and be inspired. I certainly believe that more good things are yet to come for me,” shares Cedrón about her upcoming works.