/ 2017 / Fine Art / Collage

On the turning away

  • Photographer
    Arianna Ancona, Italy

ON THE TURNING AWAY is the story of a man and his unfortunate
relationship with love and sentiments. Inspired to the life of her dear
relative suddenly dead, the author after an accurate research of chief
characters objects and family images, suddivides the sentimental way
like seasons cycle. These unleash a conflict between mind and heart,
real and abstract.
The seasons are made up of objects digital scans that evoke instints
and pleasures and converse with landscapes lived from the author.
With the family pictures, the author rebuilds finished love, she gived
voice to the the abandonment. All of this show up the dark side of
sentiments a hidden place, suspended, lost

Arianna Ancona was born in 1982 in the south East of Italy. She studied at the Art Institute, graduated at Fproject biennal school of photography in Bari. After the studies she travels around the wourld with her camera. She was self- taught photographer for many years but in 2014 she took part in a workshop of archive’s photography and self publishing. Her interest is experiments new langueges for documentary photography.