Country Pick / 2017 / /

The Monks of Solesmes

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Arnaud Finistre, France

High-place of Gregorian chant in the world, the Abbey of
Solesmes, founded in the 11th century, is home to around fifty
monks who continue to live according to the rule of Saint Benedict.
Their life is punctuated by prayer, manual labor and the study of
lithurgy. Every day, seven offices are celebrated in Latin.
Having taken vows of poverty, the monks live in autarky. They
cultivate their vegetable garden, make their bread, their own
clothes and sandals.

Arnaud Finistre is a freelance professional photographer from 2011. Born in 1975, he started working as a photographer in 2006. After a close collaboration with a regional daily newspaper, he joined the Abaca press agency to cover news. He collaborates with national newspapers and magazines in France. Then he orientate him towards long-term work in immersion.He joined Hans Lucas studio in february 2017.
He also teaches photojournalism at the university of Burgundy.