Country Pick / 2017 / /

Voices from The Cold

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Lars Just, Denmark

The melt water runs twenty-five miles through the mountains
from the Ice Sheet of Greenland before it reaches the grey valley
of Kangerlussuaq. Here lies Orpigaq. An orphanage for young,
vulnerable Greenlanders with nothing good in common, that is if
you ask them.

Some are caught in patterns of crime, others of drugs, many in
self-harm and violence and all in sexual abuse. They are young
people our society has failed and for them the orphanage is the
last hope, and the last stop before jail.

The children are presented with each their portrait, and asked to
write what they think, when they look at themselves.

Awards 2016 - PDN Photo Annual 2016 - photojournalism / documentary 2015 - Nominated for The Kravling Prize - Best Visual Storytelling 2014 - CPOY / Portfolio / Award of Excellence 2014 - CPOY / Documentary / Silver 2014 - Nominated for The Kravling Prize - Best Visual Storytelling 2013 - The Society for News Design / Special News Topics / Award of Excellence 2013 - CPOY / Portrait / Award of Excellence