Country Pick / 2017 / /

Black Animals Collection

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Gian Luca Partengo, Italy

Black Animals Collection | Nature is everywhere, the love for
animals too; so you can take pictures everywhere, from just up
wild Africa home garden through bioparchi or scientifically
equipped reserves. Shooting belongs to the "Black Animals
Collection" project through which portray animals friends looking
for, thanks to shades of black background, to enhance the beauty
and spirit.

|I AM| an Artist and Digital Photographer based in Turin.
|MY BRAND| "Animals In Black" Portrait Collection

Awards Won the second place (silver) in the PX3 2017 competition
Honorable mention on IPA (International Photography Awards)
Honorable mention at the contemporary art exhibition in Chivasso (TO)
Various photographs published in the N Photography magazine
Editor's Pick on National Geographic
Various prizes on ViewBug