Country Pick / 2017 / /

The Unnatural

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Renate Ariadne van der Togt, Netherlands

I had a dream. A dream of people and dolls living together happily.
But dolls are a creation of man. A dirty mirror; an empty shell. Yet
frightening or not, a future we might have to get used to given
current the developments in robotica and sexdolls.
I remember dreams I have during nighttime vividly and often think
about them all day. It affects the way I look at the world, the
decisions I make and how I feel towards the people around me.
Highly affected by these images I became fascinated by the dream
and its surreal yet straightforward language.
Situations usually seen as weird or taboo feel absurdly ordinary in
our dreaming mind. And it is this that I strive to recreate within my